Photos: Nick Brandt’s SINK/RISE Series

From Nick Brandt:

SINK/RISE is the third chapter of The Day May Break, an ongoing global series portraying people and animals impacted by environmental degredation and destruction. This third chapter focuses on South Pacific Islanders impacted by rising oceans from climate change. The people in these photos, photographed underwater in the ocean off the coast of the Fijian Islands, are representatives of the many people whose homes, land and livelihoods will be lost in the coming decades as the water rises. Everything and. everyone was shot in-camera underwater.

Brandt’s SINK/RISE series is currently on exhibition from November 7 - November 10 2023 at PARIS PHOTO, PARIS, POLKA STAND, and Part 1 and 2 pf his series The Day May Break is on exhibition from October 14 - November 19 2023 at FOTOGRAFICA, FESTIVALE DI FOTGRAFIA, BERGAMO, ITALY.


The fly guy from Chicago, IL.

Performance: Ol’ Dirty Bastard on Jon Stewart Show (1995)


Art: Cey Adams ‘Combinations’ Exhibit at WCC